About Stella Frances
Who is Stella Frances?
To: Lasting Happiness Engineer
Implementing Balance, Well-Being and Inner-Peace
I am someone who strives to see the miracles, the positives and the amazing opportunities in life. It is an outlook that is shaping my journey as I sit here today, and one that I know will take me to some incredible places along the way.
As a personal and professional coach that has pulled through my own dark night of the soul, I know that life is more than our situations and circumstances. We have control over our perceptions, which greatly shape the world around us. I have made it my mission to help others come to this same realization. I’m all about helping you shift from where you are to where you want to be.
My Journey
My story began in Athens, Greece, and it’s what’s shaped me into a passionate student of philosophy. I’ve been fascinated by the power of the human mind and the ability that lies dormant within each of us. With the right mindset we truly can conquer, overcome and climb over anything. All that’s needed is a process to train the mind and let it loose in a way that’s authentically you. Trust me, I have faced these struggles myself during my own journey…
After 15 years working in the IT industry, I burnt out. It was something that had been sneaking up on me for years, but I kept putting it to one side and looking the other way. As the stress built and built within me, I was gradually losing my sense of self. An awakening inside me drove me to leave my job, study mindfulness, and start teaching the art of happiness and the process of personal development. It was a moment that would change my life, and one that I want to use to help shape the lives of everyone who is drawn towards me.
my why
It is my mission to help you achieve your goals and create a happy life by sharing the wisdom and tools I used to take control of my life and create my happiness. I firmly believe that everything you need to have a successful business and fulfilling, meaningful life is already within you. Together we can unlock your unique and powerful gifts.
the past
Life events show up to help us grow beyond our comfort zones and limiting beliefs. What we choose to take away from these events determines who we become. I have known success and I have known failure. It wasn’t until I felt the most lost that my journey to self-discovery began.
the now
Fast forward to today, I’m enjoying a more meaningful and fulfilling life than I ever thought possible and I get to help you find your true calling.
the journey
What began as a journey to learn who I truly was eventually led me to become a certified personal and professional coach. There’s no telling where your journey will take you, but I would love to help you on your way.
My passion lies in helping people release the unique potential for happiness and achievement that lies within each and every one of us. It’s about dreaming big, setting goals and taking action in an authentic way. For me, nothing compares to seeing someone shift, take shape and do more than one ever thought possible.
And so I ask you…
What is the biggest challenge you’re facing? And what would you love to create? If this resonates with you I offer an INTRODUCTORY 30-min. DISCOVERY SESSION to see if we are a good fit. Trust me, I can help and at the very least give you some awesomely happy ideas. I’ve been there!
“I believe it is our birthright to be happy and to live a life of abundance”
-Stella Frances Tweet
Don’t delay your happiness…
Time is our most precious resource. Click the button below and let’s get you started on your journey to lasting happiness!
It’s time we created a plan to take you to the future you’ve always wanted.
My Vision
I believe that inner happiness is not something for the few — it’s an essential part of a healthy, balanced life that we all deserve more of. My vision is to help shape a world in which everyone feels empowered to live the life they dream of.