6 Super Ways to Rest Your Mind During The Holiday Season
The Christmas holidays are just around the corner and we look forward to them as an "antidote" to the stress, fatigue, and obligations of the last few months.
However, the calmness we wait for eventually may not come, as invitations to family or friendly gatherings, home visits, hospitality, decorations, parties, and shopping, absorb all our time and energy. The necessity then to rest your mind becomes a challenge and a difficult goal to achieve.
“Christmas can’t be bought from a store. Maybe Christmas means a little bit more.”
-Dr. Seuss
How do you rest your mind in the midst of overwhelm? Are there any ways we can escape this hectic although blissful period and offer our minds some precious moments of rest, calmness, and relaxation?
Sure, but we have to be mindful of it and take proper action. Let’s expand a little further on this.
6 Ways And A Free Guide To rest your mind during the holiday season
Free Mini-Guide Gift:
“A Season Of Wonder"
Click the link for immediate access
Ho-ho-Hold onto your sanity this Season!
The possibility to rest your mind may sound difficult but as the saying goes wherever is will there is always a way. So let’s see what you can do to not get overloaded with stress and lose the serenity this wonder season signals for all.
1. Prioritize your self-care
Among all the obligations, self-care should be first on the list of your priorities. After all, if you don’t take time to look after yourself how are you going to be well, give to others and offer them your presence? Self-care does not only mean taking regular showers and brushing your teeth. It also means saving time to care for yourself, rest, and replenish your energy levels.
Attending to your needs on every level, whether they are mental, spiritual, sentimental, or physiological secures your well-being and makes you stronger to manage efficiently everything else in your life including the Christmas season’s tight schedule. So, don’t forget to put on that to-do list slots of time just for you and only you.
2. Organize - the "Key" to peace of mind
Don’t leave anything for the last minute. Last-minute arrangements always come with a cost (be it money, time, energy, anxiety, and anger). Organize early on the list of gifts you want to buy, events you have to host or attend for the holidays (dinners, gatherings), reservations you have to make as well as crucial deadlines for your job.
Traffic, crowded malls, and queues outside restaurants and bars can make the Christmas spirit disappear very quickly. What’s more, waiting for that bus while holding heavy bags in your hands on Christmas Eve will only offer you extra fatigue and outweigh the pleasure of shopping.
So, be proactive, plan early and execute your tasks and obligations promptly. When you rest your mind, your mind will be grateful for it.
3. Beware of expenses
Holiday expenses are one of the main sources of stress. So why not determine from the beginning how much you can spend on gifts, excursions, meals, and entertainment so that you don’t go over budget and enter the new year with literally empty pockets or even worse on debt?
Keep in mind that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to show others your love and appreciation. The gesture is what matters the most. Handmade gifts and homemade delicacies can also be a good idea, but don’t forget to calculate the time and things these gifts will need though (so return to No 2 and make the necessary adjustments if needed…).
Sure, your family and friends may appreciate more these presents than those from the market considering the time and effort you put into them.
Think twice to buy on credit. As much as convenient and alluring it may seem at the moment don’t let yourself get caught up in the debt net just for sake of enthusiasm and spontaneity. You will rest your mind and save yourself from a lot of stress in the long run.
Another great post on the topic:
4. Take a trip and rest your mind
Taking 2-3 days (or more if you can afford it) to travel away from your home city can offer you a refreshing break from your daily routine and empty your mind from all the preparation “noise” this season creates.
Getting away, either to visit another city or country and see their local Christmas celebrations or to a secluded mountain chalet to watch the show from the window while having your body massaged will hopefully pause the time for you and recharge your batteries.
Whatever you choose though, make sure you plan.
“Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing, but of reflection.”
-Winston Churchill
5. To rest your mind: Meditate
Meditation is the practice of absolute stillness. It provides peace of mind, calmness, and relaxation and makes you more agile and happy if practiced with consistency. With meditation, you can achieve deep focus on something aiming to reshape a line of thought or pattern of behavior.
There is no better way to rest your mind and silence that never-ending mind chatter that can be even more present and “aggressive” during holidays. So, find your favorite spot, take a pillow, light up some candles, and put your phone in airplane mode for a few minutes every day. If you combine meditation with affirmations or positive thoughts/images to focus on you will have the perfect antidote against stress and worry.
Try it and you will be amazed by the calm effect it can have on your mind.
If you are planning to practice meditation and spare some precious moments of stillness and peace of mind just for yourself why not have a companion? My Mediation Journal has been designed to assist you with exactly this new habit of yours. It has been created by my personal experience and so its effectiveness has already been tested. And believe me, it is effective. You can find it here.
6. Be grateful
Lastly, be grateful. Instead of waking up in the morning and immediately starting your day, why not dedicate a few minutes to acknowledge all the things that you appreciate having in your life?
Start small with the big stuff (like for example having a home, a job, air to breath, and water in your tub). Pretty soon, and if you stick to the habit you will discover everyday countless things to name on your list (been there, done that so I guarantee).
Gratitude enhances your self-confidence, cultivates a positive attitude, and fills up your mind with beneficial hormones that make you feel peaceful and enthusiastic at the same time.
Looking for inspiration to bring more positivity into your life? Be sure to check out my beautifully designed with insightful prompts and inspiring quotes, Gratitude Journal -click here
“Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.”
-Janice Maeditere
More ways to rest your mind during Christmas time
With the right handling, Christmas cannot be stressful. On the contrary, it can be that “most wonderful time of the year” when you get to enjoy yourself and rest your mind before you return back to your daily routine.
And if you need to learn more ways how to do that, download my Free Gift: “A SEASON OF WONDER. A Mini-Guide to Enjoying the Holidays without Losing Your Mind” and discover more tools and tips on how to take away all the stress of the holidays and only keep the joy and bliss they offer.
Merry Christmas!
Just let the Christmas spirit touch you and offer you immunity from family drama!