The 6-Step Journey to Finding True Love in an Intimate Relationship Begins Here…
A loving relationship can be considered the “holy grail” for most of us as far as connecting with another person is concerned.
On the quest to finding a loving relationship. You begin, sometimes while still very young, to search for that other person that will fulfill your needs and aspirations, love you till death do you part, and share intimate moments with.
You sign up on dating sites, go out on dates, connect on social media, and join social events and gatherings being on the lookout for that special one to create a loving relationship with, as well as secure and rewarding.
But, you don’t get lucky in manifesting a loving relationship. Something always seems to not go exactly as you wished and instead of finding the loving relationship you hoped for, you find yourself disappointed or even heartbroken.
Yet, not everything is out of your control and if you follow some basic steps you raise the chances of being in a loving relationship by meeting the one!
Six Steps To A Loving Relationship And An exclusive Guide To help You Get There
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Relationships Almanac
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”
-Carl Gustav Jung
The Road to True Love: 6 Steps To The Loving Relationship You've Always Wanted
In this post, you will discover the most important action steps to find a loving relationship, so stick around and the rest will follow!
1. Love yourself first
If you really want to be in a loving relationship and as cliché, as it may sound, loving your self, is the first and foremost thing you have to “conquer” before conquering that special person of yours.
You can’t love another person if you don’t love yourself first and no one can give you the love you need if you don’t first give it to yourself. First step then, would be to create a loving relationship with yourself.
Loving yourself means accepting yourself for who you are and being ok with it. This means all of you, your light and your dark; your strengths and weaknesses.
Only then can you pave the way for loving another person for the totality of their being and creating an intimate union and a loving relationship.

2. Be aware of your needs
Following the above step, comes being aware of your needs. And we mean all of them. Physical, emotional, and intellectual. What do you want and expect from a loving relationship?
How do you express love and how do you want the other person to show you their love? Do you need safety? Intellectual stimulation? Great sex? Someone, to travel the world with? Money? Encouragement to build your professional dreams?
Do you remember Julia Roberts in the movie Runaway Bride?
She played a woman who in every relationship she had with a man succumbed to his needs and wishes because she hadn’t given herself the chance to discover her own.
And every time she made it to the altar she run away because deep in her heart she knew that something wasn’t right.
Whatever the case, you got to have a clear picture of what you want out of life and out of a close relationship as well as what you don’t want, so you can express them to the other party and evaluate if they are being met along the way.
Otherwise, how could you get to experience a loving relationship that brings meaning to your life?
If You'd Like To Find More Tips And Ways To Improve Your Chances Of Manifesting A Loving Relationship check out This Month's Guide
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Relationships Almanac
“Never love anybody that treats you like you’re ordinary.”
-Oscar Wilde
3. Stand firm with your values
It’s very important to prioritize and stand up for the values you hold dear. If your mate has completely different core values then it’s highly probable that your match will not evolve into a lasting and loving relationship.
Your core values must be unnegotiable, more like “red lines” you don’t cross and you must be firm with them otherwise you will end up losing self-respect and the respect of your partner consequently.
Of course, there will be issues where disagreement will arise, but your fundamental values must coincide, to some degree, with your partner’s.
"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Another great post on the topic:
4. Define your goals
You better get your goals defined before you enter into an intimate relationship. This means e.g. where and how do you see yourself in the next five or ten years?
Do you want to have kids and create a family or do you want to pursue a career? Do you want to live in the city or go live in the countryside planting your own vegetables?
A relationship where your goals are way different from your partner’s will only create unavoidable friction in the long run. It’s crucial that you find someone with similar goals so you’re both on the same page and can work in the same direction.
Having alike targets will deepen your bond and make bring you closer instead of drifting you apart while chasing incompatible goals.
So, let your potential mate know and discuss important subjects such as career aspirations and family life before jumping into a connection. It will save you time and energy.

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5. Be true to yourself
Being single and feeling lonely is not a reason to grab the first person available for a relationship.
That is, settling for someone just because you want to have someone in your life to fill up that void. It will backfire and won’t give you the happiness you crave in a loving relationship.
Often people sell themselves short for the sake of just having someone in their life. That’s definitely a no-no!
It doesn’t pay to lower your standards and what you really deserve just to be in a relationship. It is better to be patient and explore your options while trying to make the most of your singlehood.
For certain, the right one will appear when you are ready.
If Your like to learn more about how to manifest an awesome loving relationship, you can find a great list of tips and Ways in this month's guide
Free Mini-Guide

Relationships Almanac
"Every one of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves."
-Princess Diana

6. Make a checklist and visualize
It may seem like trivia to you but it works!
Writing down the qualities you want your ideal mate to have and the feelings you want to experience in a loving relationship will not only assist you to discern better between your options but will also be your compass in your search for that fulfilling bond.
So, use your journal, or get yourself a pen and a piece of paper and start making your “loving relationship” checklist. How do you envision your beloved to be and what qualities would you like that person to exhibit? Don’t leave anything out. Make your checklist as detailed and specific as you can.
After doing that prioritize the ones that are more important to you. If you meet someone that is a match to the most basic characteristics, it wouldn’t so matter if they let’s say have green eyes when you wished for blue. Stick to the important ones.
Once you have your checklist ready, then you can visualize how this loving relationship will make you feel.
Visualization can bring you into that sought-after feeling state you long for experiencing while in an intimate bond and level up your vibration.
And when you vibrate at higher frequencies you raise the chances of attracting your ideal partner.
In closing...
If you still haven’t found your match don’t get discouraged. Probably it’s not the time yet. However, this doesn’t mean you just have to sit around, grin, and bear it.
By taking proper, conscious action you can create the optimal circumstances within yourself and your surroundings to increase the opportunities of finding that special one and creating the loving relationship you wish for.
So, you may live happily ever after!
And if you need some extra help, I have your back!
Download my Free Guide and you will learn more tips and tricks on how to create loving and long-lasting relationships. Just click on the link and become the master of successful connections.
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